Creative Writing, Self-Perception, Internal and External Mastery
It’s time for a tangent!
I want to write a bit about creativity, self-perception, and the balance between internal and external mastery. Yes, all those things go together.
I don’t consider myself creative because I write non-fiction that, for the longest time, centered around self-help. Lately, it’s been more philosophical, but still non-fiction, and in my view, still not particularly creative. But maybe that’s a misperception on my part. Maybe there is a creative aspect to my work that I’ve never acknowledged before.
What if creativity for me is a logical art form that I put my own unique twist on? I typically weave my own life experiences into my writing on these logical topics. Is that creative? I suppose it could be.
Seeing my writing as something creative changes my relationship with it. This is where self-perception, and internal and external mastery, come into play. I’ve always perceived myself as a logical non-fiction writer in the external world. Writing was what I did, but it was not who I was. For many years, while I worked outside the home—either teaching or in the corporate world—my slogan was “take your work on, not in.” It was a means of survival and self-preservation to avoid burnout and emotional overwhelm. Separating myself from my work was critical to my own mental health, but I don’t need that anymore.
If you’ve been following me for years, you’ve read blogs where I’ve talked about the need for this separation and how it wasn’t benefiting me anymore. Up until now, I haven’t been able to break the habit of creating that separation. Why? Because social media and the need to share my work reinforced the story.
When I share my work and somebody comes by and argues with me or makes a dumb comment, it reinforces my need for separation. If I share my work and nobody sees it, that also reinforces my need for separation. Both of those things make me want to protect myself, which means I separate myself from my work. I keep my work outside of me.
Therein lies the problem. Writing is personal. It might be logical and philosophical, but it’s still personal. Because it’s personal, how many people see it and what people think of it matters to me more than it probably should.
I would probably do better with a “dump and run” strategy on social media. If I didn’t check for engagement or comments for two or three days after posting a piece, I’d probably be less bothered by any feedback I get and also be emotionally involved in another piece, which would provide its own sort of emotional protection from negative feedback.
Yes, I know not to care what people think. I understand that it’s their stuff. There are times when I deal with crappy comments just fine, and there are other times when those same comments stop me from being able to write the next thing. What happens on social media unconsciously affects whether or not I write the next piece. It affects my flow. That’s a connection I hadn’t made until just now.
I can fix the flow by creating more time separation—by allowing myself to move straight onto the next piece before ever going back to social media. That’s an easy fix.
What this all comes down to is the balance between the internal and the external. What I’ve realized is that there is a difference between self-awareness and self-perception. Self-awareness is the awareness of ourselves in the external world. Self-perception is the awareness of ourselves within ourselves.
Self-mastery taught me self-awareness and a lot of it. That’s how I fix all my crazy, warped thinking. Self-mastery is brilliant! What self-mastery didn’t give me was a ton of self-perception or awareness of myself within myself. There’s an integration process that I still need to work through, where I take pieces of my self-awareness and actually integrate them because they are reflections of who I am. My writing is one of those things.
I left my writing outside of me in many ways. It was the thing I did in the external world. It was my “job,” and therefore it was something I took on and not in. Because it was my job, it was only serving an external purpose, but that’s a lie because we all know that I’ve used my writing to heal myself for years. The way I avoided fully accepting that truth was by simply making healing myself my job.
When I stopped needing to write about self-mastery, I hit this same crossroads. I didn’t know where to go next, nor did I win the fight with myself around allowing my writing to become an internal process. Losing that battle moved me toward philosophy, which allowed me to start seeking even more knowledge and understanding of perception, healing, and life in general. The additional knowledge of philosophy gave me a better perspective on some familiar scenery.
Yes, this is why we go around in circles. This is why healing has layers and depth. Sometimes, those detours are there to teach you things because you still need more tools. Philosophy gave me more tools, and it brought me back to where I started from after I finished with self-mastery. There is nothing wrong with the detour. It gave me the tools to make sense of this place I’ve found myself in once again. It’s not a bad thing. It’s a valid, necessary, and important part of the journey.
This time, I’m not as attached to the external goals. That’s going to make a big difference in terms of my willingness and ability to balance the internal and external a little better. I will need to figure out how to make writing part of who I am instead of just something that I do. That may take a little bit more time. But for now, I think I can find strategies that will help me balance both worlds a little better until I can figure out the rest.
Love to all, Della