When Your Own Views Feel Extreme
My own viewpoints have felt extreme to me for a while now. It’s something I’ve been struggling with because I’ve been unsure about what to do with them. To be honest, the more the world starts to blow up, the more far out there I begin to feel. I’ve been missing for the last couple of weeks because it started to catch up to me and I had to make myself sit with it to figure it out. Procrastination is very real and it’s also a great self-defense mechanism that keeps you stuck for a long time if you let it. Just saying… I know somebody who’s had this experience lately, namely me! ;)
I’ve taken on philosophical and spiritual perspectives that are immensely helpful in my day-to-day life. They make navigating my personal life much easier but they have started to inform my political viewpoints, My very left-leaning younger self is having a meltdown because many of my viewpoints are shifting much farther to the right than I ever anticipated.
To be clear, I still believe that everybody should have access to a basic level of food, clothing, and shelter regardless of income, while also having free access to education and healthcare. It’s most of my other views that have shifted to the right.
I’ve been building an info site called The Rebel Philosopher’s Notes, from which you can download a free PDF version of my blueprint for how I would rebuild the world if I could wave a magic wand. It’s my vision for how I see the world. Feel free to check it out if you’d like. I have no plans to start a cause around this, however my vision for the world came about as a direct result of my spiritual and philosophical beliefs. I’ve been grappling with how to share those beliefs without sounding tone deaf to the realities of the world around us right now.
I’m going to be honest, I don’t have answers. In typical Della fashion, I’m probably going to have to write it out because I write to think. Making it make sense means sharing it, talking about it, and writing it. It’ll be a departure from my self-help type content and move more toward introspective and philosophical musings as I ponder all the changes that have come about for me lately. As part of that, I’m considering writing a manifesto, another way of helping me clarify my own ideas.
I ended up in a place I didn’t plan, talking about things I didn’t plan to talk about, writing about things I never thought I would, embarking on a journey I didn’t see coming. Sounds about right, doesn’t it? Just another day in the world of spiritual awakenings!
Anyway, I’m going to try to get back to my regularly scheduled routine with writing, talking and sharing. I hope you’ll join me on what promises to be a very different journey from the one I’ve been on.
Love to all.